/ Life

Start Your Gratitude Journal, NOW!

Are you complaining about your life? Or are you feeling grateful with what you already have?

There are two kinds of people:

  • always jealous to see the success of others (the grass is greener on the other side)
  • and the opposite is always grateful because there is someone who isn’t as lucky as him.

I used to watch a video on youtube, his channel called Tom MC Ifle and in this video Mr. Tom tells that the power of gratitude journal is so amazing. When he had so much debt and serious problem in his life, he started to write gratitude for everything he already has into a book. He is healthy, he has beautiful daughter, he eats three times a day, he has a house to shelter, and many things that he has.

When you start to show your gratitude, you start to receive blessing. You can be happy easily, even with a small thing. Less complaining and attract the good vibes. Since I watched his video, he encourages me to do the same thing. Then I bought a small book and I’ve started to write every night before I sleep.

I realize I have so many things to grateful for. You know, we live in this world always accompanied by problems. There are 4 kinds of problem we always face:

  1. Love / relationship
  2. Family issue
  3. Lack of money / in debt
  4. Healthy

Whatever problems you are facing right now, be strong! This too shall pass. Hopefully keeping a gratitude journal can help you feel better and attract positive things into your life. I had already 2 gratitude journals:

My Gratitude Journals

More than two months keeping this gratitude and I start to find a solution with the problem I face. It’s not settled yet, but I enjoy the progress. I know everything will be alright, step by step until I can get out of this problem. Focus with what you want not with what you afraid will happen. Give your grass enough water and take care of it until it becomes the greenest in your neighborhood!