/ Getting Started Things I Like

Shina's First Post

Om Swastiastu

Happy to see you here.

Hi, my name is Ni Luh Ayu Sukrisna Dewi and you can call me either Ni or Shina. In this year 2020, when the Global Pandemic is happening all around the world, I set up some goals. One of them is to have my personal website.

Finally, I can reach this goal and I can put everything into my own website such as my portfolio, experiences, and so on. I’m an accountant in one of the restaurants in Bali and recently learn for Digital Marketing and Financial Analyst. Because of the situation at my workplace - exacerbated by the Coronavirus Pandemic - I’m looking to increase my skillset so that I’m not dependent on working in Bali. I’m working on my dream that in the next year I can able to work independently whilst traveling the world.

I love counting money and I dislike math, but for me accounting is different to math subject. Running, watching, and reading are the things that I love to do every week. I also manage my Instagram account community @coupleprojects. My mission is to spread love all over the world. Another side of me is I love animals, especially cats. I would be crazy every time I see a cat and meowing to get their attention. Cats are so adorable creature!

Okay so, do something what you love and passion it. Dream big! If you really want something you will find a WAY. If you don’t, you will find an EXCUSE.